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What to do After a Slip and Fall on Ice

On Behalf of | Dec 10, 2018 | Personal Injury, Slip & Fall |

Slipping and falling on the ice is a fairly common occurrence in the Garden State, when winter weather brings freezing temperatures, snow and sleet, making roadways and sidewalks particularly hazardous. If someone else failed to properly maintain a sidewalk or walkway, and that negligence resulted in your fall, you may seek to recover damages under personal injury law. The actions you take after the slip and fall are important in the pursuit of fair compensation for your injuries.

Understanding negligence

Understandably, not every slip and fall on the ice is worthy of a lawsuit. Sometimes we just slip and fall and no one is really to blame. However, in circumstances where an individual or entity exhibited negligence that contributed to the cause of the accident, the injured party make seek compensation for their injuries under personal injury law. To prove that a property owner was negligent, the injured party must demonstrate that the owner knew – or should reasonably have known – that the sidewalk was unreasonably unsafe.

Steps to take after a slip and fall

If you been injured from slipping and falling on the ice, you may have grounds for a personal injury lawsuit. Taking a few simple measures after your fall can provide important evidence in the event you choose to seek compensation for your injuries.

  • Seek medical attention. Your first priority after an accident is to seek medical attention. In doing so, you will not only properly tend to your injuries — you will also provide a valuable paper trail of the medical treatment you received. Medical records that document your injuries play an important role in a personal injury lawsuit.
  • Take photographs. Snow may be shoveled away, ice may melt, and sidewalks can be repaired. As soon as possible after your fall, document the scene of the accident. Take photos of the area where the slip occurred, as well as any bruises, cuts or other physical injuries you sustained.
  • Report the slip and fall. Wherever the accident occurred, it is important to report it. If it is at a neighbor’s house, in front of a store, or an apartment dwelling, tell the appropriate entity that the incident occurred. Whenever possible, try and document the details of the accident in writing, and retain a copy for your records.
  • Don’t delay. Every state has a statute of limitations for filing a lawsuit in the court system. The statute of limitations for personal injury cases in New Jersey is two years from the date the injury occurred. However, if you are filing a claim against a government entity – such as a municipality that was responsible for maintaining a sidewalk – the time limit is only 90 days from the date of the accident. Failure to file a claim within either of these timeframes means you forgo your right to have the claim considered by the state or heard in the New Jersey courts.

Receive compensation for your injuries. Contact our New Jersey slip and fall lawyers for guidance

Fighting for fair compensation for the injuries you sustained in a slip and fall can be challenging – proving negligence is not easy. At Lomurro Law, our skilled New Jersey slip and fall attorneys aggressively fight on your behalf to secure the compensation you deserve. Arrange a free consultation by contacting our office today at 732-482-9285 or online.