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The Dangers Truck Drivers Face Due to COVID-19

On Behalf of | Oct 10, 2020 | Personal Injury |

While many people are able to largely stay in their homes during the COVID-19 crisis, there are still plenty of people who are working each day to ensure we all have the things that we need. Because online orders have increased and there has been a run on certain items at the store, the trucking industry is one that is certainly still in full swing.

A Different Trucking Experience

While most truck drivers did not have to take a break in their work, the trucking experience looks significantly different than it did just a few short months ago. Most restaurants are only allowing carryout, truck stops have closed many lounges, game rooms, and amenities, and truck drivers are supposed to be socially distancing from one another.

All of the above limits the activities a truck driver can engage in outside of their semi-truck. This can result in much more sedentary time and increased loneliness. In addition, the constant vigilance about handwashing and handling food from restaurants can add to the stress. It should be no wonder that many truck drivers are suffering from serious mental fatigue.

Long Hours at Work

Mental fatigue and loneliness can wear on a person quickly. On top of this, truck drivers feel more pressure than ever to work long shifts. While the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) has strict limits on the hours someone can drive a commercial vehicle, many drivers have shifts that extend beyond drive time. This can involve loading and unloading trailers, completing paperwork, and more. These long shifts can result in physical fatigue on top of the mental fatigue.

Staying Aware of the Risks

Commercial truck drivers should remain aware of the risks they face if they are working throughout the coronavirus pandemic. Some risks include:

  • Exposure to COVID-19
  • Other health-related risks due to long hours spent sitting in their trucks
  • Lack of options for nutrition and socialization
  • Depression and anxiety from all the concerns and pressure
  • Accidents due to speeding or fatigued driving
  • Relying on self-medication with drugs and alcohol to make it through this crisis

If a truck driver fails to take the proper precautions to prevent crashes, or they ignore obvious risks, the driver and potentially the trucking company should be liable for any injuries that occur to clothes on the road.

Discuss Your Injuries with a Freehold NJ Truck Accident Lawyer

At Lomurro Munson LLC, we know that these are uncertain times with unprecedented and unexpected risks. We are ready to help people who suffer injuries in traffic accidents during this crisis. We are working remotely, ready to take your call or schedule a videoconferencing appointment so we can determine how we might help in your situation.

If you are injured in a truck crash, it is important to get the medical help you need right away. Once your physical condition is stable, your next step should be to contact a Freehold truck accident attorney. Please contact us online or call 732-482-9285 for a free case evaluation with a member of our legal team.