The Attorneys You Want On Your Side

New Jersey Boating DUI Attorneys Provide Client-Focused Counsel And Aggressive Advocacy Throughout Each Stage Of The Legal Process

Offering Unwavering Legal Support And Guidance With A Proven Track Record Of Success

DUI offenses involving cars, trucks and other motor vehicles are serious transgressions that lead to significant penalties. Similarly, boating DUI is another offense that may also lead to serious consequences that drastically alter your personal and professional life. At Lomurro Munson LLC, our skilled DUI defense attorneys routinely handle all types of offenses and specifically have extensive experienced representing clients charged with boating while intoxicated. If you’ve been charged with boating DUI, it is important to seek legal assistance as soon as possible to ensure that your rights are protected and mitigate future consequences.

The Penalties For Boating While Intoxicated Are Just As Severe As Those For Traditional DUI

Boating is one of the most popular outdoor activities that many individuals and families partake in throughout the year. Unfortunately, what starts out as an innocent and fun day on the water can lead to serious charges that end up costing you both times, money and even your liberty. New Jersey law prohibits anyone from operating a vessel on any body of water while under the influence of:

  • Liquor
  • Narcotics
  • Hallucinogenic drugs
  • Habit-forming drugs

This also applies to certain prescription drugs. The law also prohibits any person from allowing another person that is under the influence to operate their vessel meaning that if your friend is operating your boat while drunk you may be similarly charged.

As with DUI offenses, you may be charged with a boating violation if your blood alcohol content (BAC) is above the legal limit of 0.08%. The penalties for boating under the influence of drugs or alcohol also follow those for DUI and are based on your prior history:

  • First offense – up to $400 in fines, suspension of boating license for one year and driver’s license suspension of three months
  • Second offense – fines of up to $1000, 30 days community service, imprisonment for at least two days and up to 90 days, suspension of your boating and driver’s licenses for two years
  • Third and subsequent offenses – $1000 fine, up to 180 days in jail, and suspension of your boating and driver’s licenses for 10 years

If you’ve been charged with a boating while intoxicated offense, you must act quickly to preserve your rights. Depending on the specific circumstances surrounding your arrest, there may be specific defenses available that reduce any potential penalties.

Trust A Leading New Jersey Boating DUI Law Firm To Stand Up For Your Rights And Help You Achieve Favorable Results

Boating under the influence is a fairly common offense that many people face. It is important to seek legal advice from an experienced attorney to limit the financial and personal consequences of a conviction. The dedicated New Jersey DUI defense attorneys at Lomurro Munson LLC provide the legal resources and advice you need to understand your options and make the best decisions for your case. To schedule a consultation, call 732-482-9285 or send an email today.